Monday, February 21, 2011

Mica and Lexie Blog

I have been tagged with this fantastic award.  I have been sent this blog by
ruthhendry6980's Dylan and Hamish. I have to display this fantastic award
on my blog.

Then I must tell 5 things about Lexie and Mica and 4 of them must be Bold
faced Lies.

1. Mica is a very small black dog that I can lift with 1 hand.

2. Lexie and Mica are very good swimmers.

3. Mica is much bigger that a black bear:

4. Lexie uses my riding mower to cut my grass each week in the summer.

5. Lexie's mother was a beautiful Golden Retriever

Now we need to nominate other bloggers for this award;

We do Nominate:

@slepytyson  because he is such a good and funny beagle

@takemynewf because she has a newf and she does be so funny
